- 本文地址: https://www.laruence.com/2009/05/05/740.html
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我最早了解到"图片合并"技术, 应该是在大学游戏时代, 会发现很多游戏图标, 都会合并在一个位图中, 然后使用类似"遮罩"的技术来分别显示各种图标.
第一次使用CSS Sprites技术的时候, 其实并不知道它的这个名字, 也并没觉得多稀奇,就是个遮罩么.
今天玩开心网的圈人游戏时候, 发现它的实现是使用了Js, 突发奇想, 或许可以使用CSS Sprites来实现, 抛弃内嵌的JS.
- 1. 显示器
- 17'的显示器哦~
- 2. 电话
- 听筒坏了
- 3. 机箱
- 白色的机箱
- 4. IBM ThinkPad
- ThinkPad
- 5. 外置光驱
- 我不知道这玩意是哪里买的
有兴趣的同学, 可以直接看HTML源码, 一个独立页面的例子在这里
Blog commenting is still a useful way for building links. This article tells clearly that spam comments don’t work anymore as like as quality and meaningful comments.
Ladbrokes and Betfair are two of the best betting sites in the UK that, according to resources, took wagers on almost everything baby related. There were bets on the gender of the baby, the weight of the baby and what the name of the little angel would be.
Interested students, you can directly look at the HTML source code, an example of a separate page is here.
有兴趣的同学, 可以直接看HTML源码, 一个独立页面的例子在这里
有兴趣的同学, 可以直接看HTML源码, 一个独立页面的例子在这里
It is owing to some far more basic fundamental principles which will determine your success or failure at anything you do in life.
You slowly move down the funnel as they take on better contracts from new virtual employers.
It is important to start something that you really like, because you will be spending a lot of time on it.
You might even consider using all the suggested programs and over time replace your existing income.
If you are unable to use a camcorder, you should also be able to use your webcam; however, you may be required to stay around your computer area.
If you enjoy the experience, you can then move on to creating longer online videos or ones that require additional work.
有兴趣的同学, 可以直接看HTML源码, 一个独立页面的例子在这里
恩,这倒是, 用js也不需要多余生成图片.