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一个同事forward过来一个, 公司某产品线遇到的一个低概率, 但长时间出现了几次的Core的bt信息, 找我帮忙分析下原因.

#0  0x00000000004a75e5 in _zend_mm_alloc_int (heap=0xd61260, size=79)
at /*/php-5.2.6/Zend/zend_alloc.c:1879
#1  0x000000000048d3cd in vspprintf (pbuf=0x7fbffe9cd8, max_len=1024, format=Variable "format" is not available.
    at /*/php-5.2.6/main/spprintf.c:224
#2  0x0000000000489747 in php_error_cb (type=1, error_filename=0x2a9a787ee8 "/*/application/helpers/util.php",
    error_lineno=1149, format=Variable "format" is not available.
) at /*/php-5.2.6/main/main.c:799
#3  0x000000000061db35 in soap_error_handler (error_num=1,
    error_filename=0x2a9a787ee8 "/*/application/helpers/util.php", error_lineno=1149,
    format=0x7b9cb8 "Maximum execution time of %d second%s exceeded", args=0x7fbffea3b0)
    at /*/php-5.2.6/ext/soap/soap.c:2178
#4  0x00000000004c2576 in zend_error (type=1, format=0x7b9cb8 "Maximum execution time of %d second%s exceeded")
    at /*/php-5.2.6/Zend/zend.c:976
#5  <signal handler called>
#6  0x00000000004a720f in _zend_mm_free_int (heap=0xd61260, p=Variable "p" is not available.
) at /*/php-5.2.6/Zend/zend_alloc.c:844

Filed in PHP应用, PHP源码分析
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HTTP 204和205的应用

之前和人讨论过这个问题,,, 今天感冒在家休息, 就回忆了一下, 整理如下.
我们很多的应用在使用Ajax的时候, 大多数情况都是询问型操作, 比如提交数据, 则Ajax只是期待服务器返回:

{status: 0, message:""} //status 0代表成功, 非零的时候, message中包含出错信息.

Filed in Js/CSS, PHP应用, 随笔
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在使用curl做POST的时候, 当要POST的数据大于1024字节的时候, curl并不会直接就发起POST请求, 而是会分为俩步,

  1. 发送一个请求, 包含一个Expect:100-continue, 询问Server使用愿意接受数据
  2. 接收到Server返回的100-continue应答以后, 才把数据POST给Server

Filed in PHP应用, 随笔
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